Frexels are a 10,000 Randomly Generated None-Fungible tokens, the pixelated unique art can be used as the most Gnarly Profile Picture ever, grants metaverse values, IRL Events, web 3.0 teachings on how to build your own NFT project at a programming level and being part of an Exclusive Community.
Reomi is Dimension Dust that was found on planet ⌇⊑⟟⎎⏁⟒⍀⌇ as their natural resource and now they have brought it to Earth as a currency.
$Reomi will be given more utility as we advance on the mission
Frexels Origins came to Earth with designs to fit on any social media platform to be used as the most Gnarly Porfile Picture ever and they are ready to teach you on how to use web 3.0
- Able to Yield 11 $REOMIS each 24hrs
-The Most Gnarly Profile Picture
-Unlock Exclusive Channels in Discord
-More feautrures yet to arrive
In order to get a Frexel Power Up you need ...
-High Quality Merchandise
-The Most Gnarly Profile Picture
-Cooler, animated, and way more accesories!!!
- Unlock Exclusive Channels in Discord
-More features yet to arrive
Coming Soon..
In Order to get a Frexel VX3D, you need to be a holder of Frexels Origins
-Playable VX3D characters in the SandBox
-Total Rights to your Character
-Unlock Exclusive Channels in Discord
-More feautrures yet to arrive
Coming Soon..
-It’s Really Simple, click on the floating chest and submit your wallet adress, join our Discord, and follow us on Twitter. Once you have done these easy steps you will be granted $50 free reomis
There are various ways to get Whitelisted
-Interact in discord and get whitelisted
-Invite 10 New Users and get whitelisted
-Follow & Interact on Twitter and get whitelisted
-Follow & Interact on Instagram and get whitelisted-
-1000 for Whitelisted Users
-1500 Public Sale
-Whitelisted/Pre-sale .02 eth
-Public Sale .04 eth
You can get up to 5 Frexels per Wallet
When you Purchase your Frexels on the Whitelist/Pre-Sale it will take around a hour to be able to see them in your wallet
Frexels is going to be a huge part in the metaverse because we are the 1st project that is Teaching in Style, we are educating on how to use web 3.0 and being able to use your frexel character in the metaverse, we want you with us from the start all the way to the end